Visit from Claire Lambe, Past Pupil and Member of 2016 Irish Olympic Rowing Team

On Tuesday 10th May the school had a visit from a member of the 2016 Irish Olympic Rowing Team, who also happens to be a past pupil of Loreto College. Claire Lambe from the class of 2007 took time out of her rowing training schedule at the National Rowing Centre (NRC) in Cork to come and talk to the current pupils of Loreto College.

Claire first started to row while in second year at Loreto College. She rowed for Commercial Rowing Club in Islandbridge, before moving to UCD Boat Club when she commenced college.  While in UCD Claire qualified for the Irish rowing team and realized that with hard work she could progress much further in rowing.  Claire gave us an insight into what it takes to become an Olympic athlete, her daily regime and training schedule, and her love for the sport.  For the past four years Claire has trained seven days a week at the NRC, with just one Sunday off every three weeks! 

Claire has made many sacrifices over the years to arrive at where she is today. In fact, in 2012 she came very close to joining the team for the London Olympics. However, her boat did not meet the weight requirement. This was obviously a huge disappointment and setback for Claire but she did not let it get her down – she decided then she would try again in 2016.

Hearing Claire’s story, I was struck by her strength of character, her dedication and hard work, and her refusal to give up even when faced with disappointment.

Claire is a wonderful role model for young women, and no doubt inspired many Loreto girls sitting in the Sports Hall that day.

By Christina Walsh – 5M