Principal’s Report for PA Meeting on 6th March 2018

• Mock Exams finished on 9th February.  Students have received some of their exams.  They should be all returned by early next week.
• 9/2/18 – Access Reading Test took place for all 1st Years.
• 9/2/18 – 5th Year Spanish class visited the Instituto Cervantes for a cultural visit.
• 5th-9th February – The Lockers Programme took place for 2nd Years under the charge of Ms Kelly.
• Kolkata group returned on Thursday 15th February and all involved had a brilliant experience.
• The TY Italy trip took place from 9th Feb -12th Feb and was a great success.
• 19th February – U18 3 by 3 Basketball Competition took place in Limerick.
• 21/2/18 – Leinster Cross Country took place in Santry.
• 21/2/18 – Green School Audit took place and we’re awaiting confirmation.
• 1st Year Art class (Ms O’Reilly’s) are working with the RHA Gallery on an Art Project.
• 22/2/18 – 2nd Year  PTM.
• DVD Photos of 6th Years-23/2/18 – Tom will take remaining groups.  Dates tbc due to snow.
• 26/2/18 – 1st Year Parents 2018 Information Evening.
• Condolences to Ms. Maverley and all her family on the death of her father Tony-23/3/18.
• 27/2/18 – ARUP Engineering Visit by 3 Fifth Years.
• TY Activities – Fire Safety/Mindfulness/Song School.
• 28/2/18-2/3/18 – School closed due to Snow.
• J.Cert Orals are continuing in Irish, German, Spanish and French.  Rearrangements have been made for those who missed their oral due to snow.
• L.Cert Mock Orals are currently being conducted in all languages.

Well done to the 2nd years who competed in the regional finals of the Dublin City Student Enterprise Awards in Croke Park today Tuesday the 6th March.  Congratulations to Slickfix who won the Intermediate  Category and will go on to represent Dublin in the Nationals.

Best of luck also to our 3rd year team of Aoife O’Flynn, Katrina Khodzinska, Eva Hayes and Anna Capri, who are competing in the BSTAI Business Quiz in UCD this evening (6th March).

2nd Year Study Skills. – 2B-16/4/18,  2G-18/4/18,  2M-10/4/18,  2T-11/4/18.