Principal’s Report – Tuesday 10th April

• Junior Cert Irish Orals were completed and Leaving Cert Mock Orals for French, Spanish and German.
• 4M Song School.
• 4th Year Spike ball Blitz-1B and 1M participated.
• EuroLanguages Talk in the AH.
• DVD Photos for 6th Years.
• EUNICAS Speaker for all 5th Years.
• DCU Speaker for 6th Years.

-Incoming 1st Years-Assessments.

• Spanish Inspection.
• 4G Song School.
• CBA for 2nd Year Business begins.
• TY Spirituality Workshop in the chapel.
• Basketball Final in Tallaght.
• Inter Loreto Debates in Beaufort.
• Graduation Ring Sizing for 6th Years.
• Lunchtime Concert in the AH.
• Dr Lucey Talk for parents.
• Leaving Cert Mock Orals for Irish.
• Trial Junior Cert HEC Practicals.
• 3rd Years Parents Information re TY.
• 4T Song School.
• TY Poetry Slam.
• All 3rd Years went to see Romeo and Juliet in Dundrum.

• 4th Year Class Action Law Day.
• Trial Junior Cert HEC Practicals.
• YSI Visit to Dún Laoghaire.
• 4M Aviva Trip.
• Fire Drill.
• 3rd Year Business Trip to Java Coffee.
• AIB Future Sparks Festival in the RDS.
• LC Music Recital for Parents.
• Easter Egg Hunt-House Event.
• Easter Egg Drive for SVP-280eggs collected and delivered.
• School Gathering in the Sports Hall to celebrate all the Sporting and Debating Achievements.

• Burren Geography Tour for 5th year Geography
• 2nd Year Carlingford trip
• Public Speaking and Court visits for TYs

• 5th Years who don’t do Biology won’t have class on Thursday 12th.
• Snow Days-6th yrs will have class on Monday and Tuesday following graduation and 3rd Years will have class on Thursday 31st May prior to the school holidays. They will have Friday 1st June as a study day.
• 3rd yrs and 6th yrs received their fees letter which will all be completed online before 27th April. Confirmation of payment needs to be left at reception.
• Thank you from Jackie and I for the invitation to the lunch on the 20th April.