Sodality Group Mass 7th February 2020

The Sodality Group, known as the ‘Children of Mary’ or ‘Enfant de Marie’, (E de M)  was popular in Schools until the mid 1960s,  around the time of Vatican 2.   The tradition continued among past pupils and Mass was held at 8 pm once a month in the Green and North Great George’s Street.   In 1977 the Sodality moved to Loreto Hall and  Mass was celebrated in the Chapel there at 8pm until October 2015, when the Loreto Hall closed.   The Sodality then returned to the Green, with great gratitude to the Principal, Ms Jackie Dempsey.   The first Sodality Mass was celebrated there at 11.00am on the 6th May 2016.  All the Sodalists now love coming  to the Green three times a year, on the First Friday of February, May and October for Mass at 11.00 am.  The Sodalists are  so delighted  to have  a cup of tea or coffee and chat after the Mass.

The Sodality Group is pictured here after their Mass on Friday 7th February, 2020.