Greetings from Loreto Rumbek


Dear sponsors, dear friends. 


Over the past few months, you have generously donated to our school. We want to thank you on behalf of all the students, parents, and teachers. Your donation allows girls from all over the country and all clans and tribes to enjoy a holistic and qualified school education.

In South Sudan, girls and young women still have limited access to education, especially secondary education. The reasons are mostly poverty and conflict, as well as the cultural practice of marrying off young women at an early age. Thanks to your donation, we can offer young women the opportunity to obtain a high-quality secondary school qualification. To develop their full academic, personal, spiritual, and social potential, the girls are taught by qualified teachers and have an extensive extracurricular programme.


Today, we say thank you and would like to tell you a little about the last term and give you some insight into our school and the everyday lives of the girls here. Please see the attached report.


Warm greetings and prayers from all of us here in Rumbek.
