
Junk Couture 2013Bank of Ireland are a sponsor of Junk Kouture fashion competition. The 2013 Junk Kouture dresses from our school are...Parents Information Evening Presentation 2015A copy of the presentation to the parents of prospective students 2015, made by Ms. Barrett and Ms. McAteer on...Halloween Pop Up Art WorkshopThis Halloween the 1st Year students had the opportunity to make a scary vampire lollipop.  The 5th Year Art Co-ordinators...Art Exhibition 2013The annual Art Exhibition in Loreto College St. Stephen’s Green was held on October 2nd.  There was work on display...Sam Maguire visits Loreto CollegeThe Sam Maguire cup came to into the school on Monday, 7th October.  Dublin players, Dean Rock, Jack Mc Caffrey...Religious Education CongressA group of 5th and 6th year students along with Ms Travers and Ms Kelly attended the Religious Education Congress...Achill PE Trip for 4B and 4GOn Monday September 2nd the 4B and 4G classes accompanied by Ms Crinion, Ms O’Connor and Ms Davies travelled to...Bundoran PE Trip for 4M and 4TOn Monday September 2nd the 4M and 4T classes accompanied by Ms.Bradbury, Ms. Cunningham and Ms. Vavasseur set out on...Postponement of Parents’ Association AGMApologies for any inconvenience to parents caused by the postponement of the Parents’ Association AGM.  Watch this space for the...