
Congratulations to our Past Pupil Rachael MullallyCongratulations to our Past Pupil Rachael Mullally on winning the individual speaker’s award at The Irish Times Debate 2020, a...Memorial Service for Ms. Carmel Geraghty                                        ...Winners at the Dublin City Enterprise Awards Feb 20!The School had great success at the Dublin City Enterprise Awards on 27th February – our 1st years were Runners-up...Welcome to Teachers on the Erasmus Plus ProgrammeOn Tuesday 25th February we welcomed a group of 36 teachers from Primary and Post Primary schools from within the...Incoming 1st Years of 2020On Saturday 8th February we welcomed the 1st Years of 2020 and their parents to the school.  The incoming 1st...5th Year Kolkata Immersion Experience Feb 2020Best wishes to our 5th Years and their teachers, who travelled to Kolkata last Friday, for their Kolkata Immersion Experience.Sodality Group Mass 7th February 2020The Sodality Group, known as the ‘Children of Mary’ or ‘Enfant de Marie’, (E de M)  was popular in Schools...Loreto Rumbek First School MagazineGreetings from South Sudan Dear Friends, Happy New Year, at least it is still for us, we have re-opened school...Junk Couture 2020!Congratulations to all of our wonderful Junk Kouture 2020 participants, what amazing talent!