
Dress Up Day on the GreenToday was Dress Up Day on the Green.  There was great colour and costumes on display and valuable House Points...Student Enterprise Programme Bake SaleStudents hosted a bake sale at lunchtime today to raise money to fund their innovative entrepreneurial ideas, as part of...National Poetry Aloud Competition 2019On the 21st of October 2019 students from Loreto-the-Green took part in Poetry Aloud, a national poetry recital competition.  Poetry...Loreto Rumbek September ’19 NewsletterPlease click the link below to view the Newsletter Loreto Rumbek Newsletter Sept 2019Junior School Visit to the LibraryWe had a lovely visit this morning from Junior Infants and their Fifth Class buddies.  They held their Library Reading...CBA Dates for 2nd and 3rd YearsPlease click the link below to view the list of CBA dates CBA Dates For 2019-2020Art Exhibition 2019!The 10th Loreto on the Green Art Exhibition took place on Tuesday 8th October.  Established in 2009, the Exhibition continues...Congrats on Winning the Belvedere Junior Debating Competion!            Huge congrats to Sofia and Orna  who won the Belvedere Junior Debating Competition recently. ...Art Exhibition Tue 8th Oct 6-8pm