6th Year Geographical Investigation21 October 2016NewsThe 6th Year Geography classes visited Knockree Co. Wicklow on 5th October, to complete their Geographical investigation in the Glencree ...Parents Association AGM Healthy Eating Talk17 October 2016NewsThe slides from the recent Parents Association AGM can be accessed via the link below. In addition Senior Dietican Cliodhna...Summary of Parents Association Minutes September 13 201617 October 2016NewsSUMMARY OF PARENTS ASSOCATION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2016 -Pastoral/Religious: School years opening mass was held on 21st September for all the...Board of Management10 October 2016NewsThe new Board of Management will begin its three year term of office on the 15th October and we would...World Youth Day in Krakow!6 October 2016NewsThis summer I was fortunate enough to attend World Youth Day in Kraków, Poland, the home country of Pope John...September House Event – Dodgeball!5 October 2016NewsOn Thursday 29th September the first House Event of the year took place at lunch time. Each class had representatives...Art Exhibition 2016!5 October 2016News College’s Olympians5 October 2016NewsOn Monday, 26th September Loreto College had a surprise visit from two very special 2016 Olympians. Claire Lambe (Class of...New Exhibition ‘Ministry, Advocacy & Compassion: The Catholic Church & 1916’30 September 2016NewsMinistry, Advocacy & Compassion is a new exhibition that takes you into the heart of 1916 and explores the work...