
Solidarité Avec ParisTo show our solidarity with the people of Paris and France, the 3rd Year French class has made this poster...Photography WorkshopOn Friday, November 23rd we started our Photography Workshop with Tim Durham. He showed us pictures he had taken from...Science QuizMany thanks to everyone who participated in the Lunchtime Science Quiz.  Congratulations to the Bs and Gs who drew in...Cross Country Run!Well done to all those who participated in the recent Cross Country Run in Blackrock.  Congratulations to the Minor Team...Doogle for Google CompetitionGood luck to Ella O'Brien, Enda Lyons, Eva O' Connell, Freyja Mc Donald, Keela Duffy Naughton & Sadhbh Kearney who...First Year Book Club – November Meeting!This month's Book Club Meeting was a great success.  It was attended by lots of enthusiastic First Years, who happily...Science Week 8th – 15th November!!.jpg Students’ AwardsThe DCU Business School's annual Junior Certificate Business Studies Award scheme is intended to give recognition and encouragement to the...Fresher’s Week and HalloweenWhat a great week to finish our first term for this Academic Year.  The 6th Year Leadership Team had stayed...