

Books Clubs for 1st and 2nd YearsBoth Book Clubs met in May and there is a great variety of  books on the Summer Reading Lists recommended...Sports Day 2015Sports Day took place last Sunday 10th May from 2- 4 pm in Iveagh Gardens. The Bees, Gazelles, Macaws and...ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist AwardsOn Wednesday, 13 May, Hana Gallagher and Eleanor Cripwell from 2nd Year attended the finals of the Young Environmentalist Awards...First Year Maths CompetitionCongratulations to Claire Gregg, Annie Madden and Emma O'Dwyer who competed in the final of the Irish Junior Maths Competition. ...April House EventOur arty House representatives were out in full force last Thursday for April’s House Event, a Sports Day themed poster...Most Promising Future Sports StarCongratulations to Sarah Torrans who won the overall award for the most promising future sports star at the Evening Herald...4T Grandparents’ Mass 27th April 2015Enjoy the video by Ms. Travers of 4T at the Grandparents' Mass on 27th April 2015. Grandparents’ MassThe 4B, 4M and 4T classes held their Grandparents' Mass this week. The grandparents had a wonderful time visiting the...Photographs for Yearbook – Change of DateThe taking of photographs for the Yearbook which was originally planned for Friday, 1 May has now been rescheduled to...Under 14 Camogie Shield FinalThe Under 14 Camogie team have qualified for the final of the Dublin B Shield after recent hard fought victories...Maytime Music ConcertReservations for Maytime Music can be made from this Friday 1st May. Entry is limited to 2 per student. Students...Gymnastics Trip to Lisburn 2015On the 28th March 2015, eighteen eager gymnasts accompanied by Ms. Vavasseur and Susan Carroll headed off to Lisburn. There...