Teresa Ball Access Programme

Teresa Ball Access Programme

To view our leaflet about the Teresa Ball Access Programme please click here.

Click here to  complete the CHY3 Cert for tax relief on your donation of €250 in a tax year


Who is Teresa Ball?
Teresa Ball founded Loreto College in 1833.  At the beginning of the 19th century, Ireland was just emerging from the penal laws and there were very few schools in the country available to Catholic girls. The Archbishop of Dublin, Daniel Murray, asked Teresa Ball to establish in Dublin a branch of Mary Ward Sisters (known in Ireland as the Loreto Sisters).  In 1821 the sisters began their first school in Dublin and then moved to Rathfarnham in 1822. Hence, what has since become a global network of schools and communities throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America is celebrating these bicentenaries.

What is the Loreto tradition?
Teresa Ball believed passionately in the availability of educational opportunity for everyone.  In her time she provided not just free education but also food and clothing to children whose families could not afford school fees. This sense of outreach and awareness of need has been a hallmark of Loreto education to this day. Students are encouraged to look to the needs of those around them – both globally and locally.

Teresa Ball Access ProgrammeCan you help us continue this tradition?
Your support is essential to enable us to offer this Programme. We rely on your generosity.  If you feel you could help us to provide a Loreto education to someone who would otherwise not be able to avail of it, please help us to raise the necessary funds.  Depending on the number of students in the programme, the annual cost to the College can be up to €160,000. This is the figure we are aiming to raise annually.  For this we need your help.

Please visit the Easy Payments section of our website, and follow the links provided or simply click here.  All contributions, no matter how small will be welcomed and valued. If you can see
your way to supporting a student in the full amount of €6,700, that would be wonderful.  It may suit some of you to set up a monthly standing order so that your contribution can be spread over the course of the school year.  Or you may wish to make a single donation now.  Please join us in ensuring that the legacy of Teresa Ball continues.

What is the Teresa Ball Access Programme?
This programme is available to students who attend specified primary schools in the vicinity of the College. Students whose parents would not be able to afford to pay fees are eligible to apply for a place on the programme.

How many places are available on the Programme?
The programme was launched in 2016 and the first students to avail of it graduated in 2021. To date there have been two places available per year but it is hoped to increase this to four places in each year group.

How are places allocated?
Places are offered to students in the first term of 6th class. This is done in conjunction with the Principals in the different primary schools.  Where there are more students applying than
places available, places are assigned by lottery.

What does the programme cover?
The Access Programme provides full educational support to the students concerned. It covers all school-related expenses – uniform, fees, books, iPad, equipment, co-curricular activities, school trips, travel expenses etc. The funding is available to the student throughout her time in the College.

Where does the funding come from?
The funding which was used since 2016 is no longer available to us. Hence, as part of our celebrations to mark 200 years of Loreto education, the College is now launching a public appeal to parents, past-pupils and the general public to fund the renamed Teresa Ball Access Programme.

How can I contribute to the Programme?
There is a special link on the Easy Payments page of the website. Please visit this now and make a donation or simply click here.  The options available include the full sponsorship of a student, a monthly standing order to the Programme or a one-off payment of whatever amount you choose. All contributions, no matter how small will be welcomed and valued.

If you wish to make further enquiries about this programme, please contact Sinead Price, Head of Development:
Telephone: 01 6618179
Email: headofdevelopment@loretothegreen.ie